Digital Transformation in Packaging Automation

Digital transformation continues to play a larger and larger part in everyday operations for manufacturing and processing operations.  From clip boards to computers and relay logic to PLC digital I/O, every business has had to embrace digital transformation at some level.  More connected equipment, more connected management software, more connected warehouse management systems while having all or some of the systems communicating together is only part of the solution. 

To embrace the digital transformation is a culture change for most companies.  It is not only hardware, rather it requires forward thinking, investment, a valued and trusted integrator who understands the equipment and process (Creative Packaging Solutions) and most importantly trained staff that embrace the technology.  A qualified integrator utilizes IoT as part of the digital thread as well as industry 4.0 concepts to help the customer start their journey to creating a smart facility. 

When incorporated into your process methodically, the success rate increases and the information, which is received almost instantaneous is the value gained.    

The ability to receive live data allows for improved processes, reduction of equipment failure and improved quality.  These combined benefits drive improved profits while creating valued employment positions– the goal of all businesses. 

Reach out to Creative Packaging Solutions to help start or continue your digital transformation in your factory and packaging automation process!