From Filled to Cartoned: Integrating Your Packaging Equipment

If you’re looking for a way to increase your packaging efficiency, you should consider integrating your filling machine with a cartoner. Cartoning is a process that can help automate your packaging line and speed up the production process. Let’s discuss the benefits of packaging integration and how it can help improve your factory automation.

Current Waste: From Filled Product to Cartoner

Operators are currently hand-loading product into the cartoners. Product is transferred from the filling line via conveyor to an accumulation table. From there, it is loaded into cartons. This process can be very time-consuming and often leads to product waste. Additionally, the margin for error increases, as operators physically moving product from an accumulation table to another process opens up opportunity for a drop (meaning lost $’s and increased probability of injury).

Connect them with Packaging Integration

With packaging integration, your upstream equipment can be directly connected to the cartoner. This will allow products to be paced and automatically loaded into cartons without having to stop the production line. As a result, you’ll be able to increase your packaging efficiency and reduce product waste.

Additionally, packaging integration can help improve factory automation. By connecting your upstream process to the cartoner, you’ll be able to create a seamless production line that is controlled by one operator. This will free up your other operators to perform other tasks and help improve your overall factory automation.

Improved Efficiency: One Machine Doing the Work of Two

In addition to reducing product waste, packaging integration can also help improve your overall packaging efficiency. By connecting your filling machine to the cartoner, you’ll be able to increase your production speed and output. Additionally, you’ll be able to reduce the need for operators, as one operator will be able to control both the filling machine and the cartoner.

Extra Credit – Connect Cartoners to Case Formers

If you want to take your packaging integration one step further, you can also connect your cartoners to case formers. Most cartoning is done as point of sale or purchase , they are usually loaded into shipper corrugated cases for transportation. By connecting your cartoners to case formers, you’ll be able to increase your production speed and output even more. Of course, you’ll be able to reduce the need for operators even further, as one operator will be able to control both the filling machine, the cartoner, and the case former.

Improved Efficiency: One Machine Doing the Work of Three

By connecting your upstream processes to a cartoner and a case former, you’ll be able to create a completely automated packaging line. This will help improve your overall packaging efficiency and output. This process requires careful attention to the details- insuring that all interconnected equipment is communicating synchronously and seamlessly – that is where we come in.

Sound like factory automation bliss? It is. Let’s chat through your current production line and see how we can help automate it.