High-Speed Coding & Industrial Marking Solutions

Are you struggling to adhere to coding and marking regulations? Up at night worried about an error costing you time and money? Whether you’re launching a new product line, need to meet new regulatory compliance standards, or refining your manufacturing process, Creative Packaging Solutions can help you design and integrate coding and marking technology for your production line.

Every step of your business is critical for production. Still, if your marking and coding process isn’t providing consistent and accurate marking, you could end up with heavy fines or product recalls. We at CPS are knowledgeable in the power of automated industrial marking solutions and can provide you with these solutions across the United States and beyond.

A production line full of juice boxes that have been printed upon by coding and marking machinery

What Equipment Can Creative Packaging Solutions Provide?

You have dozens of critical processes at the end of your production line. Here at Creative Packaging Solutions, we can provide the tools to automate every step of the packaging process. We have every tool you might want, from case and tray solutions to general robotics.

We work closely with companies like ID Technology, Keyence, Domino, and Squidink for your coding and marking. Each of these companies produces high-quality marking and coding equipment that can efficiently and consistently provide you with package marking in an automated manner.

a sizeable thermal transfer overprinter with a length of plastic packaging winding through its rollers

Inkjet Coders

Inkjet printers are helpful for dozens of packaging materials. These coding machines easily mark plastic bottles, glass containers, and paper tubes. Thanks to their flexibility and speed, inkjets are a primary tool for industrial marking solutions.

Laser Coders

Laser coding machines can fit into a production line with consistent materials as an alternative to traditional inkjets. Laser coders are faster and don’t require ink, but they have a specialized wavelength that mark a specific material.

Thermal Transfer Overprinters

TTO equipment is a specialized piece of equipment that is designed to print on packaging films and plastic wraps. These are particularly useful for food and medical packaging.

Coding and Marking Software

Coding and marking equipment can require complicated technology to work with other packaging equipment. We at CPS can get these machines and their software to work smoothly and without fail!

Enhance and Improve Every Step with Creative Packaging Solutions!

For you, we care about recommending the RIGHT solution, not making a sale on a specific piece of equipment. Your process and regulatory needs are as important to us as our business. We are collaborators, engineers, and integrators who love to solve problems, streamline processes, and improve your bottom line.

So, call us today and get started on the journey to a brand new working experience!