Industrial Machines for Packaging

Packaging goods can be just as time-consuming as producing them. By the time your goods are sent out, more than half of your labor time has been dedicated to properly packaging, labeling, and inspecting them. But you can have a streamlined operation by working with us.

At Creative Packaging Solutions, we’re more than a simple packaging company. We are collaborators, engineers, and integrators who love to get our hands dirty, solve unique problems, streamline inefficient processes, and improve your bottom line.

Machines for Packaging Automation

Gone are your days of error and delivery delays. Add our machines for packaging solutions into your process, and you will enjoy a faster, more consistent, and more productive workflow. You will enjoy the full benefits of a skilled engineer working with you to optimize your business. And our knowledge of automation goes above and beyond machines for packaging.

We specialize in streamlining outer and secondary packaging processes to increase efficiency, reduce labor costs, and eliminate mistakes that lead to rejects and recalls. Explore solutions for all of your packaging system needs below.

A shrink-wrapped frozen pizza

Shrink Wrap

The wrap and heat process of shrink wrap can have multiple steps and points of contact that pose a risk of error. Optimize your shrink tunnels and shrink wrap smoothly with a streamlined shrink-wrapping machine!

A bundle-wrapped pallet of cardboard

Bundle Wrap

Heavy-duty bundle wrap will keep your goods safe throughout delivery and travel. We can help design bundle wrap solutions that are fast and effective!

a close-up of a wine bottle that has been shrink-banded

Shrink Band

Containers such as bottles and tins need to have consumer protection measures such as shrink bands – keep your goods regulated and secure with shrink band automation!

A pallet of cardboard in the process of being stretch-wrapped

Stretch Wrap

Stretch wrapping is strenuous and labor-intensive but can be faster than other options. Take some of the hard work off your worker’s hands with a stretch wrap machine that will improve productivity more than ever!

A palletized batch of cardboard boxes


Shipping large batches and keeping inventory organized requires palletized goods that can be easily transported. Get products onto pallets with advanced palletizing solutions for businesses of all sizes!

Our Packaging System Expertise is at Your Service

We offer a wide array of machines for packaging, ranging from simple machines to detailed automation. Our technical knowledge covers the full breadth of packaging processes across multiple industries and has been used by dozens of companies.

Find a Variety of Integrated, Customized Solutions for a Wide Array of Production Challenges, Including:

mother and child shopping for groceries

Case & Tray

Whether you’re looking for new equipment to improve efficiency, need to add additional capacity, or want to integrate a whole new product line, we specialize in the design and integration of customized case and tray solutions to meet your production goals. Ask about our solutions, such as case erectors and pallet wrap machines.

printed labels on cardboard box and other packaging

Coding & Marking

Whether you’re launching a new product line, need to meet new regulatory compliance standards, or refining your manufacturing process, Creative Packaging Solutions can help you design and integrate coding and marking technology for your production line. See our products at work and imagine the possibilities!

fanuc yellow robot packaging batteries

Robotic Solutions

Want to increase capacity, maintain production levels with fewer employees, or improve overall efficiency? Explore customized, integrated solutions designed to improve efficiency and boost your bottom line, including assembly, picking, packing, and palletizing. Machines include C-Pack machines, bubble wrap machines, and more!

bottles on conveyor belt


Launching a new product, need solutions for co-branded product packaging, or want to add capabilities to produce sampler kits or multi-packs? We can help you develop and refine new processes to deliver your product successfully and increase product safety. We can help you fit your needed pallet wrap machine or C-Pack machine into your process.

boxes of product on conveyor line

Custom Design / Engineering

Whether you’re developing a new product, tapping into a new market, or designing a whole new way to interact with a popular product, you need a custom, integrated solution. We can help adjust our machines for packaging to fit your system. Our team can work with you from concept through completion to bring your vision to market.

Inspection & Detection

In today’s production environment, manufacturers are being held to higher and tighter inspection standards. Whether it requires tighter tolerances in metal detection, X-Ray inspection, or checkweighing, contact Creative Packaging Solutions to help protect your brand. Introducing packaging equipment that prevents danger from ever entering your products is essential for consumer safety.

Get Started on Your Custom Packaging System

You might be intimidated by the prospect of introducing a new packaging system into your process. Even something as simple as a case sealer has considerations about size and position in your building. We will offer insights into your options – would a shrink-wrapping machine be worth the space it would use? Is a tray former justified or perhaps a robotic case packer? What truly is the best option for you?

If you have these kinds of questions, call us today, and let us help you find the ideal solutions. Whether you want a vacuum pack machine, stretch wrap machine, or any other packaging system, your success is our business. We won’t settle for anything less than the best, and you shouldn’t either. If you call today, you will have taken the first step towards making a bigger, better business.

Ready to solve your production challenges, do more with less, or develop new and innovative processes?